Why is there a shortage in semiconductors? About Semiconductors: Semiconductors are materials which have a conductivity between conductors (generally metals) and nonconductors or insulators (such as most ceramics). The semiconductors can be pure elements, such as silicon or germanium, or compounds such as gallium arsenide or cadmium selenide. Conductivity is the measure of the ease at which an electric charge or heat can pass through a material. They are also known as integrated circuits or more commonly just chips, they may be the tiniest yet most exacting product ever manufactured on a global scale. It's an electric circuit with many components such as transistors and wiring formed on a semiconductor wafer. An electronic device comprising numerous of these components is called Integrated Circuit (IC), and can be found in electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, appliances, gaming hardware and medical equipment. These devices find widespread use in almost all indu...